AtCharlie Chronicles

Amazing accounts of backyard wildlife

Stories, photos and videos by S.Veigel 08/21/2023

In the backyard, some distance from the patio and between two trees, are 3 round stones I call “dinner plates”. This is where I place an ample measure of “Premium Nut ‘N Fruit” every morning around 2 a.m. (No corn!). Between the roots of the river birch tree on the left I have 2 doggie bowls in a stand, where I pour fresh clean water. This outlay on the ground makes the food and water accessible to all and attracts a wide variety of wildlife.

The fact that there are animals in the city is not all that unique. Or that they would come for food and water. It’s the personal trust between the animals and myself that naturally developed. Unable to change my sleep habits from my days adopting dogs with emotional and health issues, I am up at 2am and to bed by 5 pm. Since the winter of 2020 I have spent hours every day, 365 days a year observing, photographing, and taking video of the local wildlife.

At 16 degrees Fahrenheit there I will be, in the dark with just a yellow porch light illuminating the yard. There you will find me with a cup of coffee and a pipe. Except for when I’m in the house with my beagle, Emmy.

Yes. A friend needed to rehome her dog and we adopted Emmy. Or, perhaps in all the mysterious ways of the universe, Emmy was put here. Because I have never seen a dog who can go out into the yard to do her business, or lie on the patio, without all the wildlife running away. But that’s another story.

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